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We’re going to walk through setting up Evalite in an existing project.

  1. Install evalite, vitest, and a scoring library like autoevals:

    Terminal window
    pnpm add -D evalite vitest autoevals
  2. Add an eval:dev script to your package.json:

    "scripts": {
    "eval:dev": "evalite watch"
  3. Create your first eval:

    import { evalite } from "evalite";
    import { Levenshtein } from "autoevals";
    evalite("My Eval", {
    // A function that returns an array of test data
    // - TODO: Replace with your test data
    data: async () => {
    return [{ input: "Hello", expected: "Hello World!" }];
    // The task to perform
    // - TODO: Replace with your LLM call
    task: async (input) => {
    return input + " World!";
    // The scoring methods for the eval
    scorers: [Levenshtein],
  4. Run pnpm run eval:dev.

    Terminal window
    pnpm run eval:dev

    This runs evalite, which runs the evals:

    • Runs the data function to get the test data
    • Runs the task function on each test data
    • Scores the output of the task function using the scorers
    • Saves the results to a sqlite database in node_modules/.evalite

    It then:

    • Shows a UI for viewing the traces, scores, inputs and outputs at http://localhost:3006.
    • If you only ran one eval, it also shows a table summarizing the eval in the terminal.
  5. Open http://localhost:3006 in your browser to view the results of the eval.

What Next?

Head to the AI SDK example to see a fully-fleshed out example of Evalite in action.